Kind mommies say monsters don't exist [m]
I'm thinking that maybe Brennt will see her, and attempt to shift onto two legs, and once he does so the two of them will be fast enough to escape him? I won't have him complete the shift in this post, since I think Kol and Alexey would have time to do something, as it's not a lightning-quick process.

A last minute jerk saved the predator from receiving the full force of the werewolf's tackle, but the digging claws, much sharper than the ones that it or the first female possessed, had taken a firm grip on its head. A vicious snarl erupted from its maw as it broke free of Kol's jaws, and bucked and swerved to rid itself of its new enemy. Snapping jaws clattered through the air, seeking flesh. It could not free itself completely, but as its body whipped around violently, it got most of its bulk from beneath its adversary.

It saw the two legs of the creature and a subconscious decision with it began to change itself. The claws it used were sharp, and the predator would become even larger to content with two opponents if it became the same kind of creature as its new assailant. Most of it wounds weren't serious, but the new ones--where the female's hand-claws even now took hold--were causing damage. Soon, it would remove those claws from its skull, by one means or another. Its thrashing ceased as its hind legs began to change, elongating and growing thicker. Additional pounds of thick flesh, fat and muscle, began to grow from beneath elastic skin. Its bright yellow eyes passed for just a moment over the first female's, and their intent was clear. Both of them would die for trying to take its kill. Both of them would die, because it was not subordinate to them. It was a loner. It was not subordinate to anyone. Food was life. Starvation was weakness, and then death. The instinct of the predator was resolute, and it was uncompromising. Despite its injuries, it knew that it was not near death. One of its opponents was, and it planned for the other to be in the same state shortly.

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