Sharks in the water
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I have no problem with some PP at all. Feel free to have Brennt take his pound of flesh. I don't mind if one of Geneva's legs is broken, or a few ribs. Flesh wounds are cool too. I'd rather not have her face or eyes scarred though.

The hostility came in a rush, an explosion of heat as Geneva felt the heat of his breath on her face as he screamed two words that seemed to cut the chords of her patience. She was done waiting for him to back away and get the hint. Geneva bared her teeth, a low growl issuing from her mouth as her lips twisted into a snarl. She was baiting a tiger, and she knew it. But the small boned wolfess couldn't find it in her to care in the slightest.

The look in the stranger's yellow eyes was blank, dead and hollow. That brought her up short for a space between breaths as she contemplated it. What did that mean about this stranger? But she snapped back to reality, realizing that it was no longer her advancing toward him. Now this stranger was launching himself at her, and Geneva had no way to hold her ground against his superior size.

She should have known better than to antagonize a larger male, but she had gone with her gut. And there was no way out of this now. She certainly would not run. Geneva realized that she had never been in a fight before in a flash before they collided. She felt her ribs creak as she did her best to stand against him, staggering back a few steps. With anger blazing in her, she shook it off and launched herself at the male, not going for the bulk of his body, instead targeting his face. Geneva knew that she was far too small to take him physically, but perhaps if she could get a good swipe in at his eyes, she'd have some time to think of something else. She bared her teeth, intent on biting and clawing at anything she could.

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