Sharks in the water
He had crashed into her, pushing with his hind legs against the weaker wolf who had sought not only to bar his way, but to push him out. His fangs were bared, but not yet seeking flesh as he powered her back, leading with his shoulder, driving deep into their territory now, a subconscious act of spite against her for having come after him before he'd crossed the line. She had jumped back, and redoubled her effort, snapping and clawing at his face. Brennt was slow to react, slow to think, and while he had still been intending to just push her until she backed down, got scared and ran away, she was ready to use lethal force. His angry bark heralded the introduction of his own teeth. A shallow wound appeared on his muzzle as two of her teeth slid together beside it. He pushed forward violently into her shoulder, and his jaws clamped down on the flesh over her scapula.

Push! he thought, and push he did, using her shoulder for leverage to shove her off her feet and into the ground. She wasn't weak for her size, but the mass and power he could put behind every effort dwarfed her own. With her on the ground, he clenched his jaws one more time for emphasis, to make sure she got hurt for attacking him. His teeth came away, dripping red.

"Go away!" he roared, but, getting caught up in the moment, he dove down with his teeth again, biting her in the side, quickly, but brutally. He had intended to tell her to go and have her leave, and that be the end of the fight, but his blood was up, and he had little self-control, even on the best of days. His understanding of pack policy was insufficient for him to guess how much trouble he might be in when the leaders of this pack learned he had harmed one of their members within their own land.

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