Sharks in the water
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Geneva had perhaps ten seconds to ponder the expression on the beast's face and the way it changed. She stood helplessly, locked in the sound of her rapid heartbeat and the growls that they both emitted. And the way his face changed brought her up short. Chills erupted, racing down her back as she saw the way Brennt's eyes seemed to shift, change. It seemed as though an identity had shifted, disappeared to reveal something far more primal. She opened her mouth to speak - although she hadn't quite worked out what she'd say - when he suddenly launched himself at her with brutal force.

The wolfess struggled beneath his superior weight, wiggling and her eyes rolling in both panic and anger as she tried to regain her footing. A full throated yelp pierced the sounds of heavy breathing and growling as she felt Brennt's teeth close over her flank viciously. She struggled then, in pain to try to lessen his grip and break free. And suddenly they were airborne and crashing through the underbrush. Her chest heaving for air, now Geneva struck out blindly. She wiggled, kicked, snapped and scrabbled to find any purchase on the brute's body. She used her legs to kick at him, to find any way to make contact.

She could read the brutal intent in the beast's body, and knew with certainty that she would not would away from this encounter. But she would not go quiet into the night. She straightened herself, putting a cap on her desperation as her mind raced to find some logical way to wound him so that she might get away. Still trapped beneath his bulk, she began to focus her fading energy on snapping at his face and throat, black spots dancing in her vision.

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