Sharks in the water
The male had taken to his halfling form earlier in the day to drive the cattle back into a different field so he could later get repairs going on the fence before spring and the arrival of the herd's young came into play. He had spent quite a bit of time chasing after the stray few that were to pigheaded and dimwitted to follow the bull through the gate when he'd opened it. DaVinci has been smart enough to lay out piles of sweet fragrant alfalfa in the new pasture and finally when the last of the beasts caught on he had sat outside the gate panting and enjoying the few moments of peace as he shut the gate with his nose, hearing the latch catching as he stretched his legs out.

He knew that he should set a border patrol before returning to make the repairs, the change of scenery would do him good and the fresh air, free of cattle and sheep was a pleasant thought. He hadn't been traveling long marking and refreshing the borders when he heard the rather vocal voice of another, or rather more than one as he realized that someone or someones were arguing.. and a little to close for comforts to the pack borders for his tastes. DaVinci's eyes narrowed as he adverted his path and quickened his pace towards the commotion.

A growl rumbling in his throat as he came across the distressed early season foliage and broken branches where the two had fought. The flash of the two pelts between the dull colors of the underbrush made the male roar with fury when he realized that the stranger was attacking one of his charges. DaVinci lowered his head and took a charge into the fray, hoping to use his weight and stance as the dominant bull did in the herd with the younger bucks trying to prove themselves.

The scent of blood on the wind made the normally wise cracking annoying Savant into something more, he wouldn't fail the woman this time, not like he had in the past. There was no wishing he'd been there, he was here in the now and he wasn't about to let this strange bastard go without letting him know who's lands he'd come to rumble upon.

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