hold onto, holding onto you.
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7634 ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The sound of footsteps had come from her dreams, of that she was sure. So careful and precise, no one walked like that in Dahlia de Mai, and not around Cercelee. It had not been enough sound to wake the Rosea from where she lay, just outside the church she called home, dozing easily in the sunlight scattered across the vineyards. Yet the scent that infiltrated her nostrils now, that was not brought about by her subconscious and it startled her awake and the sight that greeted her upon waking was even more of a surprise. Children. Tiny children, two months old if that. Searching for an explanation, the Rosea stared dumbly at the pups for a long moment, knowing that they did not belong to any of the pack, nor anyone she could think of. And knowing now the footsteps had not been a dream. Why hadn’t she awoken?

Pulling herself up, Cercelee gently pulled herself apart from the children, navy eyes peering at their sleeping forms. It was then the page caught her eyes and peering closer she realize it was a note. Her reading lessons were coming along, but the skill had not been perfected. All the same, she could make out two very important key parts. She recognized her name, and she could make out “Sadira” at the very bottom. This showed her that a) the pups were indeed intended for her and they were of Sadira origin. Someone knew her, trusted her, and had made her guardian to these five children.

Suddenly she felt very small, a memory she had long forgotten surging back up. I can't keep her anymore Laruku. Her father’s voice, one she hadn’t heard in so long. And I can't have her. Can't. She... I... I hate her Laruku. I don't want her. Then he had been gone. Laruku took her in, no questions asked. Nausea swept over the Rosea then, more voices flooding her thoughts. Yeah okay, you can sleep in my den tonight... and for as long as you'd like.. And for the rest of her time in Clouded Tears Laruku had acted like a father to her, or as best he could anyway. Now he was dead, just as Adrastos might be, and she as Haku should be. Three fathers, passing her around like a joint. Yet Laruku had been the very best one of them all, and she knew that if it were he, not her standing here, he would take them in.

Cercelee owed him this. Tentatively she prodded the sleeping child, the dark black pup, with her nose, oh so gently.


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