Surrender what you are,
The crimson-kissed male couldn't help but chuckle as the woman chided him for calling her names. He always seemed to forget that people were more likely to let you create nicknames when they actually knew what said nicknames meant. But the girl's tone and very demeanor had calmed a bit, and he decided to keep his little pet name a mystery for now. Besides, if she really wanted to know, all she had to do was to ask Kol at some point. Until then, he could just keep Lexey in the dark and tease her with it.

As the Koios female commented on his blunt explanation, his green eyes darkened a little and he moved away toward the little stream the girl had used to wash herself. She'd been right about the last part of her response, but it hadn't been because of the talk he'd given her. Drey had never lacked for company on cold nights back in the Valley, but it was never because of the blunt honesty he'd given to Lexey. His silver tongue was usually employed for lies and outright flattery. But for some reason, he just found himself unable to use the same glib tongue on the honey-eyed female he was sharing the woods with. Oh he wanted to, but something in him kept telling him she deserved a lot better than that.

Rather than remark on her words, Drey decided to simply let them drop. After all, he'd probably just say something arrogant and the last thing he wanted was to alienate this woman who fascinated him. He thought briefly about inquiring more into the pack Alexey and his sister belonged to, but he didn't want to make a decision to remain in the territory or not just yet. And he didn't want Alexey running back and telling his sister that he'd decided to stick around when he more than likely would not. Instead, he dipped his hand into the stream for a few swigs of sweet water, then splashed a bit on his face to bring him back to reality. "You know, it's not exactly wise to wander around alone in a form you're obviously not comfortable in. Why didn't you bring Kol with you, or someone else for that matter? You'd be in a world of trouble if it turned out I didn't have the best of intentions, don't you think?" Not that he would ever do anything of the sort unprovoked, but not every beast that roamed alone had honorable personalities.

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