Sharks in the water
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Not a problem! Family and fun first.

Geneva struggled on the ground, her chest heaving with her efforts. Spots of color and darkness thrashed around her field of vision, fighting to eat up the image of the beast boring down on her. She snapped her jaws weakly, wiggling her body much more slowly as exhaustion ate away at her energy. She swallowed, coughing hard as she realized this would very likely be the end.

And suddenly the beast was torn from her as a male in secui form bowled them apart. Geneva whined as his teeth were torn from her wounded body. She managed to roll to her stomach and lift her eyes just enough to see her would-be savior, her heart half sinking as she wondered if it was yet another assailant, a stranger in Phoenix Valley whom she had also failed to stop.

She struggled to her feet, her legs trembling and the world swimming in her vision as she tried to regain her balance. She stumbled a bit to the left, but braced herself, gritting her teeth as she watched those malevolent eyes first consider her, then the male. She huffed frustratedly, her lime green eyes searching this new male as well. Geneva had practically no sense of smell to begin with, and now the only scent she could catch was the smell of her own blood. She recognized him with a jolt as a subleader of the pack. She had kept her distance from him - he had seemed busy every time she had seen him.

Her eyes shifted back to the brute. A low, broken growl rumbled in her chest despite her weariness and how the world swam in her vision. It seemed as though they were all tensed, waiting for the first strike. She shook her head once in silent denial. She didn't want to drag DaVinci into this, although she was grateful for his arrival. He had saved her from uncertain death. But she wasn't certain what this brute could do, and didn't want him to get hurt. She didn't know what either male was capable of, and she was focused on one sole thing at the moment.

"Get out," she rasped, stumbling toward the brute once more.

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