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It was like his world was turned upside down, where just days before there had only been one woman who filled his thoughts it seemed now that there was a whole new world of possiblities. IT took him a moment to realize though that the eyes of the other were taking him in before the small chime of laughter fell from her lips. He smiled softly as he watched the smile blossom, brightening her whole appearance. "Now that's it, the world's already looking a bit cheery eh?" he asked, though there was still something lurking in the back of his mind trying to caution the male it soon was buried under the influence of the spicy liquor.

DaVinci couldn't help but let out a soft hiss as he shook his head when she had proven him wrong and made him the fool. The smile never seemed to fade as he turned those stormy orbs to her and raised a brow as he took another swig from the bottle that seemed to be playing the role of the world's worst wingman, especially in this case. "Will I get a chance to redeem myself?" he teased with a grin, knowing that he was far more the fool than ever before with the buzz that was beginning to roll like the thunder overhead.

His fingers lingered on the bottle between them as she answered, his eyes turning to gaze towards their therapy as he nodded quietly, almost sobering up when she asked him what his therapy was for. He let out a long sigh before taking a good investment in the liquor before replying. "A bit of both you could say.." his eyes watched the liquid drift back and forth in the bottle between his hands as he chuckled. "She loved the lands more than she could love me.." Had it been selfish to ask her to leave them, to join him in Phoenix Valley and be happy. He didn't think so, but did it matter now. She wasn't here.

His gaze turned back to the stranger before him as he smiled, his eyes lingering a little too long as he seemed to lose himself in her soft eyes and that beautiful smile she gave so freely.

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