no bird soars too high
DaVinci finally got the upperhand and caught one of the stupid birds between his teeth but unlucky for him he hadn't even injured the creature and the feeling of the prey squirming and fluttering in his maw almost made his queasy. The words of the other fellow met his ears as he spatted the slobbery bird to the ground and granted one more snarl at the others who seemed content to flutter off to a bush for the time being, away from the maw that actually was more dangerous than they though. He glared at the birds but decided not to comment, hoping they'd stay put for the time.

He grunted at the birds before turning his orbs to the other fellow, studying him for a moment before replying. "I an nobody's puppycat.." he said dryly. He'd met a feline or two in his travels and he doubted that there was anyone who could or would get him to roll over and wave his paws around while uttering that strange purr that seemed to vibrate from the throats of the little beasties. He narrowed his eyes at the white male as he warned. "Or.. maybe I bite them and they will stop.."

His head was seriously pounding now, but atleast the stupid birds seemed to have decided to go bother something else for the time being. He winced as he glanced at the male with the funny apparel. "Who are you suppose to be?" he asked, assuming this was either a new packmate or something who'd been dumped on their ass by sea or lost down the trails looking for a port town. Too bad the male wouldn't find one anywhere close by.

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