tell me something sweet to get me by
DaVinci knew he was weak, he knew the woman still has his heart even though he was trying to let go. The soft touch of his hand on hers reminded him of everything she was, everything he wanted her to be.. yet was he really going to sit here and lie to the woman, to tell her that it was the best thing for them to just disappear today and never see one another again, to just forget about that moment in time when they could have believed in fairytales. Yes, or so that's the lie he tried to convince himself of every moment that they stood there.

The pain that burned in his stormy orbs at the fight he was losing in his mind and soul was too much to hide as she turned to face him. She deserved better, he knew that, and he couldn't give her the world she wanted.. nor could the boy from the wrong side of the tracks live in her dreams where she raised her daughter and found so slim breath of happiness. Real life just didn't work thatway. He watched as the color drained from her face at the question he asked. He knew he had no right to know.. but for some reason he just needed to hear it.

..and what was revealed was almost too much as a memory flashed before his eyes of a fight he'd stupidly taken part in right in the mists of Inferni's own lands. "Hybrid.." he said bitterly as he gazed away. Could have been any other male from Inferni and he could have handled it better, but no, it had to be Hybrid.

He just shook his head and closed his eyes, when he opened them he didn't even think as he asked, though somewhere in his soul he already knew it was pointless. "Come with me Ryan.. bring Val and come home with me.." He was a fool, but a fool in love was blind and he would still ask the questions that he already knew the answers to and that would just continue to break his heart.

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