tell me something sweet to get me by
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"Don’t do this to me," she said just barely above a whisper. She couldn’t bring herself to look in his eyes even though it was the one thing she wanted to do so badly. They wouldn’t bring her the comfort that she sought. Instead, they would break her heart’s pieces further so that in the end it would be futile to even try and put it back together. No, she just could not look up at him. Not yet, not now.

"We can’t leave our home," Ryan spoke softly, now almost dismissing the fact that Valkyrie was still there, watching from just a short distance. DaVinci was too close to her, and she was too vulnerable. Just a step further and she could be in his arms, could feel his heart beat beneath the warmth of his ribs. Just one step and all the bad could slip away. Just one step…

"I can’t leave my family." Was it selfish of her to want to stay here? Of course it was. Anselm was no longer around, and even though she shared blood with many of the clan’s members, no one really mattered to her as much as she knew the boy before her did. But then why wouldn’t she let herself go from the clan’s clutches? Something held her there. Something she couldn’t identify just now.

"I love you," recklessness, as a tear spilled past the crimson.


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