tell me something sweet to get me by
D: I R Sad!

"Ryan..." He couldn't help it, she'd had him from hello and she had him twisted around her little finger now. His stormy orbs trying to met those crimson ones but was denied. He pulled her hand up to his face as he held it against his cheek, trying to find all the right words. The ones that would sweep her off her feet and bring the smile back to that face with misty eyes and the soft twinkling laughter.. but he failed, there were no words to say what he felt.

The raw ache of the wound she'd already granted him seemed to increase with every sentence she spoke, with every excuse she gave. He could feel the truth of it coming to light as she went on, the tears threatening his own eyes as his heart pounded and he knew what was coming. Was he really going to lose her to a place where he could never belong. If he could he knew he would abandon his whole world for her.. but she couldn't for him.

The cold hard truth didn't settle in until she said those three little words, the tear that spilled from behind her crimson eyes was met with one from his own stormy eyes, carving a trail down his cheek and dropping softly to her fingers as he softly begged. "They would never allow me.." He closed his eyes, already knowing Gabriel's answer if he showed up on the frontsteps of the clan's lands. "..we could never be together.." He didn't want the truth of it all to be said outloud but it was too late and he knew it.

"I love you too.." he just said roughly before letting go of her hand. He couldn't just stand there. He wasn't in control anymore, this wasn't their little fairytale. His eyes cast up to look at the woman one more time before he turned away. Why did it have to be this way he didn't know but it was killing him inside. He just wanted to be in love, with her and only her.. and yet the world was like a battleground and she was suppose to be his enemy. He closed his eyes and took that first step to telling her goodbye.. yet he couldn't force himself to move. Why was everything so complicated.

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