two hearts of sa[p]phires- [mature]
Allegro felt a surge shake through her. She felt thrilled; better than she had ever felt before. Flashing Pendzez, her beloved mate, a smile, Allegro noticed that he pulled his hard stick out of her. She shivered, feeling more and more excited each second. That had been wonderful, almost too wonderful, that Allegro almost forgot her desire to be a luperci. The temptation was still there; tugging at her each second, yet it was now only a mild sensation. The only thing Allegro was worried about was when she actually transformed into a werewolf.

"Goodness. We should do that more often," Allegro managed to gasp out between her strained breathes. She struggled to keep standing as her legs pushed down on her, almost as if they were forcing her to lie down and go to bed. "I'm tired, though..." she murmured, collapsing. She blinked her eyes rapidly, ready to fall asleep, but she waited for Pendzez's reply.


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