We'll teach you

There were moments of pure love in this family, at least in Noir’s baby blue eyes. The litter had grown up and each and every one of them had found their own personalities, and so they had created a small distance between themselves and the rest of their siblings. Noir was perhaps the only one that would have preferred them to stay unchanged. Every child wants to grow up, but the little Aston girl would have wanted staying close together with her siblings and mother forever. She did not like that Claudius had not joined them today in their game. She did not like how much bullying there was nowadays. It did not really matter much if Noir was the one being picked on or not, it was the emotions that hurt the most, to witness the pleasure her other siblings obtained by hurting a family member. This was only natural, but the pale Aston girl did not know that this was normal. She just picked up what she saw and felt, and was unable to judge the complexity in the relationship between her siblings. She could only judge on her own experiences. There were two sides of each sibling. Nice and bad. She wondered why she only seemed to have one. Wait, there were two of her too. Maybe it was only Happy Noir and Sad Noir. No mean Noir? Right now she was Sad Noir, and although Ocèane obviously laughed at her sister, Attila’s lack of hostility towards her made the blue eyed girl’s heart swell with warmth.

Noir did not see her brother’s painful glance that begged to get rid of the snivelling baby snuggled against his chest. So, with the lack of insight of the situation, it seemed to Noir that Ocèane too became nice too when she came back to the pale child to give Toefur back. Though, why had Ocè laughed so much? Why did she laugh at Noir’s pain? Was it funny that she had been scared and sad? Why was that? The child wished she could understand, but her mind was too young to make sense of much as of yet. Maybe she would have a revelation one day, but not now, not today. Her sibling grumbled for her to stop crying, and the pale child hiccupped slightly, attempting to stop the pool of tears. She slowly reached out for the soft toy and grabbed hold of a familiar tentacle. Calm flushed into her system and made the girl’s ears perk experimentally. She was sad because she had ruined the game and (apparently) annoyed Ocèane, but it had never been her intention. She had been scared because she was trapped. The horrible feeling of pure panic still lingered, and she did not feel so good after the adrenaline rush. She let her rump fall to the ground and looked at each sibling in turn, unsure what was going to happen now. Noir had ruined the game and the good mood. Her bottom lip stuck out slightly, but she was determined there would be no more tears yet. She had cried enough. She did not want Attila to get angry as well (he seemed to hate cry-babies).

Noir licked her lips with a tiny pink tongue. ”Noir has is not likes it not gamed, she has sorry.” She had not meant to ruin the game, had not meant to ruin the mood. She was sorry for everything. Her eyes moved to her pale brother. Noir was never the leader when they were playing. It was either Attila or Ocèane, so she silently waited for him to take the command and make this day fun again.


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