Improper Methods
ooc: ^^' lol I did forget to ask about that little detail didn't I? Oh well, I suppose I could just have Rath pass the Bed & Breakfast on his way to the center of the town. He's not the best when it comes to finding the things he's looking for. So...yeah I'll try and make it work. Sorry for the whole, lack of planning on my part XD
Words: 496

bic: As the ruddy male wound his way through the buildings in Wolfville, he couldn't help but wonder how he would find Mew if he had no idea what she looked like. His brow furrowed as a mild frustration came over him. He shook his head, causing the shaggy ponytail hanging down at the base of his skull to swish from side to side. The white flecks in his reddish brown fur only served as odd highlights in his long kinky hair. "I still have to get this cut," he thought to himself, only allowing himself to be distracted from his current task for a short moment.
Rounding a corner, the tall wolf continued to ponder just how he would find the pack musician that he had been advised to seek out. His question was quickly answered, however, as his gleaming, gooseberry green eyes fell upon the sight of a white wolfess leaning up against one of the nearby buildings. His eyes momentarily travelled to he sign hanging above the buildings doorway "Bed...Breakfast...I wonder what that symbol in the middle means," he whispered to himself. His reading abilities were rudimentary at best, although he knew how to write his own name and read certain words. He had his late mother to thank for his understanding of the 26 letter human alphabet off of which his elementary reading skills were based. In perfect honesty it had not been a skill he had chosen to cultivate in his youth, choosing rather to focus on honing his woodworking skills.
He pondered the various possible solutions to his strange symbols meaning as he sauntered over to the female, his head slightly lowered and his posture raised up straight, hoping to appear both confident yet respectful of his pack mate. When he had closed the distance between them to about ten yards, he cleared his throat and spoke, smiling in order to show his friendly intentions. "Excuse me Miss, my name is Henratha Gyrkin, I'm a new member of Dahlia De Mai. I was wondering if you might be able to assist me in finding someone. You see, I was told to seek out this pack's musician, Mew Sadira. I'm a bit of a musician myself, although I tend to busy myself more with woodworking and building instruments than playing them. I also build other things, but instruments are my present specialty," he managed to stop himself as he realized his long introduction was leading him away from his original reason for addressing the white female in the first place. "So, do you know where I might be able to find Mew Sadira?" He asked, his white tufted ears perking in a curiosity. He hadn't meant to ramble when he spoke. It was his lack of social experience which made him nervous, which in turn made him lose himself in his words. He hoped that his continued interactions with the members of his new pack would help rid him of his horrible habit.

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