baby you can drive my car.

Maz nodded absently at his slight mispronunciation and wondered for a fleeting instant if English might not be his first language. Mmhn. Also goes by pot, weed, and so on, she offered, in case he may have heard the slang elsewhere before. If not, she was glad she could introduce him to the substance--it made kicking back and relaxing so much fun! Indeed, it was hard to become upset over anything when the thought escaped you seconds later and you couldn't recall what the matter was to begin with..
Meanwhile, Nature moved at her own pace, flowed around you, and seemed to recapture the childlike wonderment a pup feels its first spring. Everything was new and exciting and beautiful all over again. Subtle patterns stood out more, enhancing the feeling of comprehension and oneness with the world. It was really quite delightful. As an added bonus, Maserati could still do work while intoxicated thusly; although many others seemed to favour their firewater, she found it stung her tongue, made her too sloppy mentally and rather uncoordinated physically... not that she didn't enjoy the occasional drink.
Now she felt his eyes upon her and she tipped her head to one side curiously before he spoke. Ah; of course--her strange markings. Moving into a clearing where sunbeams filtered through the scraggly branches and general undergrowth, she used her nose to push aside some of the fur along her side and invited him to see: here at the root her fur was a deep rusty brown... it would nearly blend in with her dark coat in less ideal lighting conditions (and would easily in the shade). Mostly just birthmarks that I dyed brighter red, she explained. Though on my side 's more of a blob than a loop, Oi liked this better, she said with a wink. It was Kendra who'd initially helped her with the dye, and Kendra who originally suggested doing something more artistic with the streak that raced across her side. She peered at him wonderingly, as if trying to ascertain whether or not he agreed with her preference.

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