hold onto, holding onto you.
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7634 ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Navy eyes watched as the small children filed in the backdoor, finding a suitable sleeping space on the stone floor of the kitchen and quickly became once more a mass of sleeping children. Gingerly she took hold of the note and brought it in, setting it on the rickety table. Perhaps Mew or Lubomir could make sense of it for her. Turning back to the child, who seemed to be growing tired but staying awake, and the others who seemed to listen to their sibling without questions, she smiled sadly. Surely they were confused, and perhaps this puppy would explain it all to them when they really woke up. The small voice, her English poor but passable, made Cer turn back and she nodded, warmly. “Yes, you will be staying here.” Forever or just for a while? Cercelee didn’t know.

And then from the bedroom he emerged and the white lady turned to face her mate, tail wavering slowly behind her. She did not have to say a word before the questions came, and Cercelee only hoped that an argument would not ensue. Catharsis and her sibling did not need anymore stress placed upon them. Moving over, she nipped at his cheek, trying to make the information a little easier to take in. “They are my cousin’s children. They will be staying here with us.” Cercelee turned her eyes up at the male questioningly, waiting for approval despite her words being a factual statement. This was his home as much as her’s, and Rosea or no he did have an equal say in their lives. Certainly he had the sense not to say anything too stupid in front of the children.

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