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Big Grin


Hmmm, interesting. Of all the places he had been there had never been any where red eyes were a commonality. Perhaps finding this madman would be a bit more difficult than first expected. No matter. The clan couldn't possibly be that big. He would be able to track the man down sooner or later. Who knew, maybe he even had something to do with the murders. Conri Church may have been his main suspect but he knew better than to rule out the possibility of others. From Cwmfen's description it was clear that this coyote had no problem inflicting pain on random strangers. For him to commit a mass homicide was hardly far fetched.

"Yes. A coyote. Male. Attacked a female wolf from Dahlia de Mai unprovoked and when she was weakened." As far as he was concerned the past between the wolf pack and the clan was irrelevant in this matter. If it was now a time of supposed peace, which he head been lead to believe, then such actions were unwarranted. What kind of creatures was the clan keeping if they had no problems with such a man running loose. Did they want another war? While Onus didn't trouble himself with such matters most of the time he knew well enough where an incident such as that could lead.


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