Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place

Haha, do you know OOCly what is actually in the house? >>; If you do, might be a better idea for Empusa to sort of lead around and discover things. xD; Matrix will follow, but I don't even know what's supposed to be in here except for Foal and Gabe's room? I think.

IC/OOC text separator

The hybrid's life had been fairly bumpy, and even now she wasn't sure that Inferni was anything more than a smooth spot in the road. Things here were so peaceful to her in the sense that nothing was horribly chaotic. In her youth she watched countless wolves, coyotes, and hybrids get slaughtered. She had been trained to take care of herself by her parents, both in combat and self-sufficiency. She had later fought to defend her brother's life--and murder was not the only of her sins. It was hard to find strong roots in anything when your world was constantly being turned upside down. Here in Bleeding Souls, boundaries weren't constantly changing. Quiet streets at night weren't teeming with cut-throats and traitors. Regardless, she was always somewhat grateful when things failed to remind her of her old life. Human cities as extensive as this one were rare, and for the structures to be in such good condition was almost unthinkable. She had passed through some very run-down places further away, and few that were significantly better.
The old Syemv house was sturdy and youthful, although not necessarily modern. Instead, it was rather quaint. Matrix nodded at Empusa's suggestion, as it was highly logical and it certainly gave them something to do. "Yeah, that sounds fine to me," she said. Well, this sort of dwelling was certainly designed for two legs, and not four. Glancing about quickly, she began the process of shifting, which she never found horribly pleasant. It wasn't as though it physically hurt, it simply mentally perturbed her. Glancing around, she waited to see if Empusa was going to shift or not (she didn't realise the younger coyote hadn't quite gotten that far yet). Placing a hand on the door handle, she pushed open the door and peered inside. Her eyes took several moments to adjust to the dimmer conditions within.

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