Stop the Clocks, if i could....


The word was full of surprises and challenges. Mountains that needed to be climbed, many suddenly appeared and gave no warning. Anu had faced many that she didn’t want to take, but there were always factors the pushed her ahead. The moment Haven was facing was just the beginning. It was only the first of so many difficult things he would have to deal with. Had she been trying to save him from facing this? Is that why her mind had blocked the topic out completely? She only hoped that he would know better as a father then to skip it with his own pups.

Taking his shoulder in her paw Anu guided him from the foyer, knowing that there was no reason to conduct their conversation in the doorway. She took the moment to take in his question, trying to not be shocked at the fact that the boy was kissing girls. She said a silent prayer; thankful that was all he was doing. No parent wanted their child to move to quickly. As short as everyone believed life was, it could also be very long. He had more then enough time to live, there no reason to rush.

You shouldn’t listen to him, if you think what he told you is wrong… Then it is. Anu knew Haven, and though he didn’t always make the right choices, she knew he had a genuine heart. His instinct would guide him down the right path.

She knew what he spoke of. She knew it all too well. Instead of showing how bad she felt for him that this puppy love wasn’t as sweet and he hoped, Anu only wanted to encourage him. It isn’t always perfect. Her voice was understanding, not judgmental. She knew how if felt to want it to always be right, it wasn’t going to work out ever moment. It didn’t mean he was in the wrong. She just might not be ready, even though you are. Its ok to take it slow. Snail slow Anu wanted to add, but bit her tongue. Instead she hoped to know more about this girl that had stolen her son from her. What is she like? Anu pried, a small smile reaching her lips.


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