Don't want to lose what i loved about you
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There was nothing on God's green Earth that presented more of a pull on Geneva. She felt as though she were a comet, hopelessly circling a rare and radiant sun. Soon, their world's would collide if she couldn't pull herself away. She had already tasted all of the promise in that collision. Her lips still tingled from where they had touched hers. The ghost of Anu's touch still trailed her body. The feeling of rightness stole through her, spiraling and crashing into her feelings of wrong.

She wished with every molecule in her body that she could just open her ams, close her eyes, and take the fall. She didn't know when gravity would catch up with her, and she didn't think she cared enough. But fear held her back, an anchor in her throats and deeds. The ghosts of memories flitted behind her light green eyes. At some point, she had drowned in her own skin, and now she hardly felt as though she knew who she was anymore. She tried to resurface past Jordan's loss, and found that she emerged as someone new and strange.

There was a part of Anu that called to a part of her, buried deep beneath doubt, fear, and confusion. There was part of Geneva that trembled, waiting for the perfect moment to burst into bloom. She swallowed it down, though. It seemed all so unnatural to her, which made this strange situation all the more hopeless to her. There was nothing she could grasp at, no single experience in her past experiences to serve as a point of reference.

She held her hand against her chest, twisting her fingers as doubt assailed her. Could she take the fall? Was there anything to fall for to begin this? Why wouldn't the ground just open up and swallow her whole, releasing her from this situation. She bit her lip, realizing what a coward she was as Anu gazed at her with an open invitation and question in her eyes. "I don't want to go either. But I need to, for myself." And she turned, soundlessly ascending the stairs to her old room, and left the territory, not trusting herself to speak to Anu again this night.

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