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A guitar. Neat! He liked the name. It sounded more...rustic or something. Piano almost sounded too proper to the boy's ears. The name "guitar" seemed to suit him better. Besides this was something he could take with him wherever, unlike the piano which was much to big to move anywhere. "I see! And no, I just found it. Jazz showed me a few things about the piano in the mansion, but that's the only instrument I've ever played with. That wasn't much either, since I was still little and couldn't shift. I wanna learn though. I'd try to play something, but this is really out of tune. I'll need to take it back home and use the piano to make it sound right." If he tried to play any songs on the stringed instrument right now it would only hurt both their ears. He wanted it to sound like it was meant to before he started teaching himself how to play.

The kid's chest puffed out a little as Ehno examined his earring. He was proud of it. He wasn't even entirely sure why he was proud of it, but he was. It was something special to commemorate his coming of age. At least that's how he thought of it. "Thanks," he said. "I like it." Tenderly his fingers touched the gold ring. He winced a little at the soft pressure. "Heh, it's still a little sore." He smirked back at the chocolate hued man. "No they don't, I haven't been home since I got it. I'm sure they won't care though," he stated simply, waving his hand a bit. Why would they care? It wasn't a big deal. So he thought anyways...

"You'll be a good uncle." Ehno was fun and interesting and nice. The perfect qualities for an uncle. Eyes brightened at the mention of being in the city looking for something for the upcoming puppies. "Oh yeah? Like what? I could help you look for stuff if you wanted!" Haven loved to help others out. It would be especially good to do something nice for Savina and her babies.


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