just below the radar

Words: 300+

Her small paws padded meekly alongside his much larger ones, and she snuck another curious glance at the friendly Psychologist. His fur was so pretty, those rich deep shades of dark brown, mahogany, like the smooth bark of a elm tree. He was really handsome - he must be popular with the ladies of the pack. That thought made her a little downcast; she didn't look like much of anything. She was coloured like a deer mouse, and shy like one, too. Was he really interested in her company, or was he just bored and being polite...? He winked at her, and she quickly looked away, mortified at being caught. She let her ears fall back shyly, listening to his warm voice speak.

Butterfly. Well, that was somewhat sweet! "Colibri" meant hummingbird, and of course both hummingbirds and butterflies pollinated the flowers Coli loved so much. Ducking her head to hide the blush rising beneath her cream-furred cheeks, she scurried ahead several steps, taking the lead before Sankor.
"I wouldn't want to be the one to prove you wrong, S-sankor," she replied softly, still too embarrassed to meet his intense golden gaze. He would see right through her, she knew he would. She didn't want him to see how fragile she was on the inside.
"But it seems like everything in this world is scary. I'm sure what's in my head is the least of it." It was better to be timid than to be angry, right? She worked very hard not be angry, not ever. Svara was the only one who had successfully angered her more than once, but that was a complicated rivalry. The fluffy wolfess nodded firmly, trying to be a little more confident around the intelligent male. It was so hard not to get flustered! Whether it was his co-rank, his size, or his demeanor, something about Sankor had her all fluttery inside, her tummy filled with the very butterflies he alluded to.


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