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Rain, rain and more rain. No matter how hard she had tried, Brooklyn just couldn't get it out of her head. The monotonous drone of the water over the roof and windows made her stay up late, staring at the ceiling, hoping to find some answer in the patterns floating above her head. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself. The shifting was going better and she had managed to find a book in the mansion library. It was something to do with clothes, but she couldn't tell so much. Reading had never really been her strong point and as easy as it would have been to ask Mati, the white female knew better. She and her sister could get along, if need be, but there could always be tension escalating between them. The book did contain pictures, so she had managed to clumsily modify her prince trousers so they fit her frame better. The velvet jacket she and Jazper had uncovered was a good fit, a remarkable thing.

With the sun slowly going down on the horizon and the rain a memory for the time being, Brooklyn shifted into her two-legged form. She wasn't sure why, but the longer she did it the less time it seemed to take. The pain was still there, but not as bad as it had been in the beginning. Shrugging on her velvet coat, she did the buckles up before straightening enough to examine herself. While lacking a mirror, it was still better than nothing. With quick and sure steps, the white girl was out the door and running down the stairs to greet the wet air outside. Where to?

Brooklyn looked longingly towards the edges of the pack. She could always go that way. But who knew what was out there? Would anyone notice her absence? With Savina's birth approaching and their numbers expanding, perhaps she could escape unseen. That, though, would be risky. Sighing, the female-come-prince started a lazy walk around the lands. It had been a long time since she'd properly spoken to anyone in her pack. Rounding a corner, she was surprised to catch a glimpse of Haven. Shifted. In clothes! With a smile on her face, Brooklyn ran towards her brother. As she made to hug him in a surprise moment, she noticed there was something different about him. Oh! A... a something in his ear. The female pushed back the fringe from out of her eyes and pointed out bluntly, What did you to yourself, Haven!


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