Chasing trouble
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Yes, this is a very short and sucky post. Sorry, n--n;; <3

The brute blinked a moment, ears pulled back in slight amazement. She had fought back at him, well sort of in the least. Standing still and shutting up was the least he could do, merely turning to watch her form over his own shoulder, but of sigh falling from that darkened muzzle. Why do I get myself into these things..
Head turned to glance in the direction of where the pack scent was strongest, thankfully his nose was now working again. A plus perhaps even in these dangerous times, a omen even that they would survive? Click of the tongue could be heard as Hiei moved to follow her, regretfully shutting up he mumbled something about werewolves before not another peep was heard from him.

One thing was for certain though, well two things really. One, they had to get out of here, and two? She had shut him up, congratulations.


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