We were never soldiers

The man did not look particularly dangerous when he sat with folded hands in his dark lap. The young boy’s eyes never strayed from the man, though, determined to make sure he did not miss out anything that could prove that this wolf was a friend of the nasty badger that had scared the child so. Conor nodded when the man said that it could be scary to be lost. Yes, Conor knew this very well. It was not only scary, it was super scary, horrible. Poor black man, it couldn’t have been easy to get lost all the time. It was nice to know that Conor was not the only one. The problem was that the world seemed to be too big. Heck, the man said. ”Heck!” the boy said back, not sure if he understand what it meant.

However, Conor was not sure if he wanted to find his parents at the moment. He had been told that his mommy was mean, and that was why she did not love him any longer and did not want to live with him and Emwe. Daddy was only scary and mean, especially lately. Alexey meant that he was sick, but daddy did not want help from anyone. When Conor had finally come back home, his daddy had did not care at all, it seemed. Vuk, Vuk, Vuk. Conor let his eyes fall to the cold forest floor between them. ”Daddy is angry and scary, and mommy is not want me..” It was sad, but they had never lived a harmonic family life. ”HECK!” The child cried out at Vuk, some remaining tears still residing in the corner of his eyes.


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