Stop the Clocks, if i could....

you torture me … XD
I hope this is ok..!

Down the hall and into the front room Anu brought him to one of the seating areas. Letting him take his seat Anu took the moments that it took for her to find the one beside him to take in all the words he spoke. The walk from the front door had been a long one. But it was lost, lost to the question that Anu was faced with answering. She watched as he looked away, fighting the urge to disappear into the fixtures that hung on the walls, or retreat back to the storm that ranged on outside the Manor. Anu wondered where she could run to, but knew there was nowhere to go. If Haven had the courage to ask, she had to find the strength to answer. Part of her wanted to keep such truth from his virgin mind, and then he would find out from someone else. They might lie to him, as that other male certain had already.

She sounds lovely, Haven. I’m sure she was only being shy. But you shouldn’t push her, she’ll let you know what she’s ready. Anu paused, swallowing. For more. The words stayed as soft as the rest as she turned to the next, still easy situation. Compliments are nice, but only if their honest, but you know that already. You should always tell the truth, and I know you do. Anu trusted Haven more then she could truly realize, and as she began to understand… the idea of her scolding him for his earring was shameful.

Clearing her throat was involuntary, and Anu watched the orange youth. Setting her eyes on his Anu spoke, The other things, those are what two who are in love do. She was stumbling, and took a breath to find the right way to portray exactly what he needed to know. When you really love someone you want to show them physically, how much they mean to you. And many couples express that in different ways. Its something you should discuss with the one you love, love completely.

Had she answered his question? Anu thought over the words she spoke, unsure if the true question had been lost in the jumbled answer. Am I making any sense? She asked with a smile and a soft laugh.


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