Sharks in the water
He hadn't expected the other male to begin to shift in the middle of the attack but he had. DaVinci snarled when he realized that the blows he'd actually landed on the male had been nothing more than dings and scratches on the flesh of the other. Growling at his fellow packmate when he realized that she was up again and attempting to take a go at the male again. Instead of yelling at her he took advantage of the small distraction she might be making on the male and once more he charged into the stranger's space.

He knew that the other was larger than him but Davinci was quick on his feet and he still had the same weapons the other did. Just where the massive creature had muscle and weight on his side DaVinci had nimble feet and quick wit. While Geneva was nipping at the heels of the male DaVinci made a grab for the male's exposed shoulder, his sharp fangs glittering in the light. He had everything to defend and he wouldn't let the stranger get past the borders. This was his land and he would not budge from this spot til he saw the stranger on his way or brought to his knees.

The silvery blue male hadn't noticed in his attack that Geneva had fallen from the battle and was laying weakly to the side. He didn't have time to worry for the woman anylonger as he was now engaged in his own troubles. He just hoped the woman wasn't about to get herself killed, he'd already seen that the bastard had torn into her prior to his arrival. Jefferson wouldn't be none to thrilled with him for losing a packmate.

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