little far from ordinary

Ril’o was not angry and Adelaida didn’t know what to do with his kindness. It all seemed so sensible, there would be more hunts and the priority was getting her cleaned up. Any other canine would see it that way, anyone but her. For her, having ruined his hunt was shameful and wrong, she had messed up and the mocha female had no idea why he wasn’t angry. Furthermore, she was no longer a priority, Ade knew that to be true. And so, she stayed in the mud, waiting for more words from the male and he rambled on, trying to comfort her maybe, or maybe he was nervous and didn’t know what to do in this situation. Adelaida had a knack for putting others in uncomfortable situations.

And then he was unsure, apologizing for intruding and not sure if he help was wanted or not. Adelaida blinked up at him, still trying to understand why he was still here at all. She was a mess and the only person she could imagine dealing with this was Sankor, and that was only out of a sense of responsibility. Ril’o owed her nothing and she him staying here, being kind, was uncalled for. He was doing it by choice. Somehow, that pleased her, but the mental image of her skinny, shaggy form kept her from enjoying it too much. Pulling herself up to her feet, her voice was soft and defeated. "It’s okay Ril’o. I’m glad you’re here."

Adelaida did as the male bid, dragging herself over to the clear waters of the spring and immersing herself in them. While she made no real effort to wash away the mud or pull the mats from her coat, the mud came away readily, a brown pool of filth surrounding her in the pool as it came off her body. When she came out she was clean, even if her coat hung closely about her body emphasizing just how thin she had let herself get. Her stomach had mostly grown accustomed to her sporadic meals, but the blood from the bird he had killed wafted up at her and she unconsciously licked her lips, eyes flitted quickly from the prey to the predator who had brought it down. Though he had already offered it for her, she felt too scared to ask him.


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