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Ears perked up as his uncle admitted that this lady he loved belonged to the coyote clan. He wondered what this "bad blood" was and Haven was secretly afraid it might effect his relationship with Siobhan. After all, he was related to DaVinci (not by blood, but the young hybrid wasn't aware of that). Having to make a choice between someone you loved and your home had never occurred to him. It was silly, because it should have. While he didn't know how Siobhan felt about him, if they did end up wanting to be together one of them would have to leave their pack. Haven was pretty sure that he would not be allowed to join Inferni, for he was more wolf than anything else. Would she leave for him? Or would she want to stay like his uncle's love?

"I'm sorry...that really sucks..." What a crude way to put it, but he didn't know what else to say. There really wasn't anything else to say. "It's kinda funny though. Not "ha ha" funny, but ironic funny. The girl I like lives there too. In the clan." Jade eyes watched as the stormy hybrid continued to take long drinks from the bottle. Obviously the loss of this lady was really hurting him bad. He couldn't blame him though. He was nervous about what was going on between him and the petite snowy coyote, and he wasn't even in love with her. Haven didn't have anything to say in response to his uncle's little mantra. He was too young to have much experience either way.

As DaVinci handed the bottle over to him the youth looked at it curiously. He brought the top to his nose, but quickly pulled his nose back, his muzzle wrinkling. Man it smelled strong! Like nothing he had ever smelled before. Haven gave the man a half-hearted grin when he mentioned his mother. "Wouldn't want to break tradition now, would we?" Last time he visited he had got a piercing, it seemed that he was doing a lot of things mothers didn't approve of with his male relative. He was hesitant to taste the stuff, but when it was told to him it would take away the pain, all that left him. He put the bottle to his lips and let the liquid drain into his mouth and throat.

The boy wasn't able to take a very long swig though, as he moved the bottle away from his mouth, coughing. It burned! He could feel it burning all the way down his chest! But then at the same time he could feel strange warmth begin to spread throughout his body. "Must be an acquired taste," he said between coughs. Still, he liked that warm after feeling so he took another drink. It went down smoother the second time.


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