Had Me at Hello

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!! out of character.

Let me show you the wonders of life

Fred lay down with her head on her paws. The small she wolf was thinking only about Lysander and his what he had said in response to her words. How stupid had she been? It wasn't until you were faced with the reality did you see what you were ignoring the whole time. The french women ground her teeth and wanted to yell at herself. It hadn't been Lysanders fault for being who he is, it had been hers for likeing a man who only wanted to play games. She was just a game, that was all she was. Getting to her paws she growled a visious noise before shifting.

In luperci form there was a long braid of blonde hair that fell down her strawberry blonde back. Azure eyes went to her bow and arrows on the ground beside where she had been. Lifting up her bow and putting an arrow on the peice she pulled it back and kept both eyes open and she aimed for one of the trees closest to her. Letting the arrow go it landed with expert marksmenship. It helped let go of some of the emotions she was feeling. Her next arrow was aimed at another tree. Pulling the bow taunt fred held her breath and aimed, but when she let the arrow go a wolf walked in the path of her tree and fear laced her stomach as she watched the sharp weapon plant it's self above the others head mer inches from his skull.

Rushing towards the male Fred slid down to her knees and dropped her bow down at her side checking the male for wounds if she had gotten him. "Je suis tellement désolé!" Whinifred said as she looked at the other. He was older then her and of course in his wolf form bigger then she, when she wasn't in her luperci form. "Are you okay Monsieur?" Her voice was calmer now, but she hadn't meant to do something so wreckless. If she had been paying attention she would have smelt him before she saw him.


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