cyanide girl

Her thanks warmed him up a little, made the drink taste even sweeter. 'Ah, no problem,' Giggle replied, wiping some stray red off his lips. Talitha took the extra bottle and opened it, and it occurred to him that they were going to be consuming more liqueur than he'd even drank before. The coyote had been drunk before, but never completely wasted. He shrugged the thought off and took another deep swing just as the saddle-marked girl spoke. 'Probably,' he agreed, uncompetitive, but followed her lead anyway, shoving the bottle into his mouth and practically inhaling it in large gulps. His mind was quickly getting disoriented. He broke away to breath again, dizzy already, and looked at his companion suddenly, feeling a grin break out on his face, a rare occasion indeed. 'Feel it yet?' Gig questioned briefly before resuming the battle, now actually wanting to finish the bottle as quickly as he could.

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