small wonders
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Her first couple of weeks in the pack she had been pretty ill, so it made sense that she would stay inside. It'd been colder then, too! But now that she was feeling better, Addison wanted to explore more. She had already looked all around the cabin and had tested the strength of several pieces of furniture by bouncing on them. She'd found a couple of toys, or...things that she considered to be toys, a ball and some pencils that she had pushed around on the floor after she'd lost the ball. There were also all sorts of shiny things that she could look at...she really liked the shiny things.

"mmm...ok! I has some food left, you wants some?" It was polite to offer a guest food, right? And if she was real nice to him, he would visit her again maybe. She backed away from the door so that he could come in, blue and gold eyes curious. He looked different than Jefferson did, definitely. And different from her parents. What was it about him? "He brought me some food and some treats. Sometimes burds so I can play with them too" She answered.


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