Fighting the Battle Lost
He'd been so lost in his own world of thought that he hadn't even noticed the approach of the honey-colored female until she was practically feet away, speaking an apology. Immediately he swung his head over to look at her with a shocked expression on his face, but quickly wiped that away, removing his claws from the bark and lowering himself slowly to the ground.

Part of him wondered why she'd even come over to him, and made him wonder how oblivious to danger this she-wolf really was. Had he been the sort to succumb to rage he could have done some real damage to her. And it wasn't like he was being quiet about his current frustration. Maybe she was simply curious...but either way, her paws had carried her here, and now she was apologizing. Admittedly her actions made him curious, but also her very beauty. Even more so, familiar scents clung to her. Scents that screamed Stormbringer. He immediately recognized Kol's, after his run-in with her not long ago. But there was also another, of the same relations from the scent of it.

Well, perhaps he could learn something from her. It wouldn't hurt to talk, if he hadn't sufficently scared her out of her wits already. "Don't be. The things that torment me are none of your doing." His smile, brows upturned, had that hint of sadness about it. Oh, he knew she'd meant she was sorry for interrupting his silent tirade, but that mattered not, and he decided to save her from any embarrassment. "I'm more sorry to have you catch me in such an unfortunate way..." he faltered. "...not the way I'd prefer meeting a potential friend." he chuckled, seating himself on the cool earth in his typical casual manner, legs and arms seemginly askew.

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