nowhere to go

Noir had started to follow the strong scent, but she was far behind, wondering if this was a good move. She seemed to irritate her darker sister more than anything. It was so sad, because it was never her intention to be bothersome. Maybe the tan little girl was a bit too quick to cry. The Aston girl would have interrupted the stalking if she had not realized where Oce’s route had gone. She was not allowed! Their mother had told them that they were not allowed to play close to the rivers and deep water. Noir herself was somewhat scared of the water, and so she had no issues staying away from the forbidden places. The child stopped in her tracks, eyes widening slowly in concern. Ocè was there all alone, and what if she fell into the water and drowned? She swayed slightly, thinking of the horrible possibilities. She could not turn around and go back to Toefur and the family den. Claudius was left back home and Attila was out as well, so if she went back there would be a few hours with pure fun and nothing else. It was not a decision she could make without feeling horrible. No, she needed to go and save her sister from the dangerous water. The girl kicked off and hurried after her darker sibling. The original plan had been to stay away from the cerulean eyed sibling today, but plans changed.

Her fast trot turned into a run, and it did not take long for her tan body to reach the river. A shiver went through the small child when the running water came into view. Oh, how she hated this. Her face turned to left and right and she spotted her sister. She was walking on some kind of construction on the river. Strange, had she made it herself? That was not the issue, however, Ocèane was out on the water! What if she tripped and fell? What if the dam broke and shattered? Oh no! Noir’s eyes almost popped out of her head. She hurried towards the dam, her tail clinging to her little belly, shivering in fear for her darker sibling. ”Ocaine!” The girl’s light voice broke and she could feel her eyes go slightly watery. ”Ocaine, No, you are not allowed!” She let out a small whimper and stopped close to the dam. Her sister had to come to her senses and come back! If she did not, Noir would tell! The tan and blue eyed girl knew that it was not nice to tell on her siblings, but this was serious rule breaking! The girl let out a serious of small whimpers, ears glued to her skull. How could Ocè be so thoughtless and do something like this? She would never understand her only sister, but that was alright as long as it was not dangerous, which this was. Silly, so silly, and Noir’s body was filled with fear, adrenaline rushing, making her want to vomit.


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