We were never soldiers

Okay, now he was very, very nervous. He so should not have been there. He was in the house of a wolf from another pack, who knows how deep into that pack's territory, with some kid he'd found wandering aroun lost. And then the kid magically found his way home in what Vukasin would call record time. Oh, he was getting into some deep shit.

He should have just kept on walking when he'd heard the kid. It wasn't any of his concern, after all. Damn his sensitivity! And now he was in some other man's house, interrupting some other man's life, because hsi kid said that he was mean. That he scared him. That he didn't love him.

"Oiy... What am I doing? What am I doing?What am I doing?" he kept chanting to himself just under his breath.

He just knew that something bad was going to happen.


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