leave your conscience at the tone
http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/2299 ... htmb05.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Thank ya n.n (This post made me laugh xD)

Hiei’s lips curled a bit, ears tucking back while he began to pant just a bit. No, this one wasn’t young, he surmised late as always. Of course exactly what the other was thinking, but it wasn’t like he knew that. Tongue flicked out to lick at purple tinted gums, watching her before a toothy grin was quickly delivered.

"One may say .. your very young.. at heart, others .. a child .. ." Words trailed off slowly as Hiei thought at the same time, not very bright it seemed. Unable to really keep his words going while thinking perhaps? Most likely not the case, but eh. Whatever. Crimson eyes looked down at this female, head canting to the side to watch with amusement as a bit of dirt fell to the ground. Though Hiei looked more like the ‘dark knight’ than any normal wolf.. why not go at it? A slight bow was given in minor respect before he spoke once again, voice tinged with the softest of acents. Of course not from around here, some might of even said it was .. sexy? Hehe.. But really, cocky wolf he was! Showing up what he saw as a pup, when he was hardly anything himself. Hell, his own birthday was just yesterday. A ripe three years he was now.

"You are .. alone, dear one? Why, where is your pack?" The word pack said with malace, as though hating the very sounds that made up it. Perhaps Hiei was hoping to get a bit of happy time before he ran off to poke some innocent birds head off, meh.

Amazing, the arrogant bastard.


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