Nothing is real ‘til it’s gone
My apology for the avalanche is here. And I'd like to just say I'm so sorry again. Sad

Kansas had been very worried about his sister since she had been marked as lost. He felt a certain attachment to her now that Firefly was no longer around, and, if anything had happened to her, he would have been greatly scarred. Now that she had been found and was safe and sound, Kansas felt very free and relaxed. He didn't have anything to worry about for the moment. His sister was fine, and no one else in his pack had been harmed in the avalanche. The child grinned as he slipped into the cave behind Pilot. There were a few wolves there whom he didn't know yet, but his eyes fell upon the gold wolf with shining black eyes who stood against the wall of the cave. He had been the one to pull Ember out of the snow, so Kansas flashed him a thankful smile. Whether or not the male saw it, he didn't know - but at least he'd thanked him.

The creamy-coated boy watched as Moon took his sister into his lap - he thought it was nice how Moon didn't suffocate her with cuddles but rather let her sit freely in his lap. Kansas yearned to move on over toward his family, but he was aware that had been part of the reason his own team had not found Ember, and while he, too, was just happy that she had been found, this made him wary of joining his father and siblings. He didn't want to face their disappointment. So he sat next to Pilot, staring into the fire as his father spoke. He wasn't surprised that part of their home had been destroyed, if temporarily. But he knew everything would be okay, because his father had said it would.

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