We were never soldiers

Startled by the next turn of events, Vukasin grabbed the kid by his scruff and pulled him back, just in case his father was as crazy as he sounded. He watched the door crack and splinter after the first strike. Not enough time to shift. Damn. He was a better fighter in his Secui form... "Motherfucker! how do I always end up in these situations?" he demanded to himself as he stepped back, pushing Conor back further, and readied himself for whatever lay on the other side of the door.

He thought again that he should have just ignored the kid and kept walking, but he shook his head savagely at the thought, chiding himself silently. Like you have it in you to do a thing like that. He grinned at his own bleeding heart; a crooked smirk that exposed all of the teeth of his upper left jaw. It made him look cocky, but that's just how his face reacted when he was stressed.


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