then comes dudley.
Thank you!

i can't stop running away.

Perhaps she would have been disappointed to know that Kansas much preferred being talked to like he was older than he was. Being a boy of low confidence, if he was spoken to with a tone that suggested he was a weak little baby, he would have possibly cried like one. When an adult was like that, he just knew they considered him insignificant and stupid. He already felt stupid at times, slower than his brother and sister – this was often the mistake people made when met with someone shy. But Luz’s words, large and hard to understand as they were, made him smile and relax a little, so that he sat back against a boulder and looked frightfully up at her.

He did pick up that “riveting” meant to keep one’s attention on something, which was nearly exactly how the woman had put it. He understood the part about sarcasm and nodded, but he didn’t really feel like going deeper into it than that. Their conversation needed to drift away from the rock, or else he would seem annoying to her, he was sure.

He wasn’t certain if she was complimenting him or merely making an observation when she mentioned his coat coloring. Either way, she had noticed something that made him different; unique, and his smile grew wider. Still, there was that uncertainty of how to answer, so he was quiet a moment, and in that time she gave him her name. And how interesting it was! A little harsh-sounding, but it fit her, and he tested it out for himself, whispering it under his breath before deciding how to respond to her comment on his coat. "Oh, thank you. I dunno were I got it from." Neither of his parents were cream-colored. Perhaps inherited from a distant relative. "I like your name. I’m Kansas Sadira. D’you know any Sadiras? ‘Cause it seems like lotsa people do."

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