Improper Methods
ooc: Word Count: 409
Rath smiled as Mew invited him into her home. This was a first for the shaggy male. He had never been invited inside someone elses den. What was the answer he was supposed to say. His eyes lit up as he remembered, "Oh, yes thank you very much." His tenor voice rang with a light hearted tone. "And no need to apologize. If anything I should be apologizing for bothering you this early in the day. I'm afraid I'm a bit of an early riser. I go to sleep late and wake up early, although I haven't yet figured out why," he chuckled, mildly amused at his less than healthy sleeping habits. He strolled into the Bed & Breakfast behind the white woman, his eyes immediately drawn to the interior of the building. Instinctively he scanned each wall and the various supporting structures whether they were load bearing walls or support beams. Examining structures would be the only way he could glean ideas for the customized structures he one day hoped to be able to build for his packmates, should they request his services. His attention was snapped back to Mew as she spoke about her guitar. He listened to her explanation about how she had made her own guitar. Rather than carving it, she had put it together using salvaged pieces of other instruments. To him that was just as much an accomplishment as building on from scratch. After all, discerning which pieces were useable and which were not required a keen eye. He had even greater respect for the fact that she had then managed to reconstruct such an intricate instrument as a guitar without the use of human tools. He was eager to see how she had managed to do such a thing. "By defective versions you mean broken guitars? Pardon my curiosity, but did you by chance happen to find most of the pieces in one building or in several buildings throughout the town?" His tone of voice conveyed his genuine interest in what some might consider to be a minute, insignificant detail. However, for the white-flecked, shaggy werewolf, he considered such a detail to be a possible lead in his quest for tools. A building full of broken instruments might be a musical repair shop. If that was the case there would likely be all manner of sophisticated wood working equipment, not necessarily heavy duty carpentry tools, but useful tools for instrument making nonetheless.

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