a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... parent.png);background-position:top-left;background-repeat:no-repeat;" cellspacing="1">

Cercelee beamed, “Yes, the black and white one.” Slay had such an unusual coat, he stuck out like a sore thumb sometimes. She loved that about him. Her own pelt was so ordinary, so plain, unmarked except for the small, almost invisible grey speckles that climbed up her legs. Slay was an oddity in looks, and sometimes Cer found herself wondering if their children would inherit the strange pelt he had. She hoped they did. Of course, it was far too early to be thinking of starting a family just yet, they had barely gotten started jus the two of them.

“That is soon! Time does seem to go much too quickly.” How long had it been since she left Twilight Vale and all the wolves she met there? Was Savina’s brother still there? “How is Ehno?” What about Naniko? “And so then, Naniko’s pups must be quite old by now? Adults almost?” And before that? Almost a year had elapsed since coming to the new lands, forming Dahlia with Colibri. Where was Colibri, and the others who had come and gone over the months? Why was it the white lady was still here and the other not? Cer didn’t know the answer.


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