What place is this?
I apologize for the wait

Yes, it really was best to give up tryign to change her opinion on things. Selene was too set in her way to go and change. The dark world need a few bright spirits that wouldn't flicker out. Rather the pup's seemed to grow righter and brighter day by day for she enjoyed the chance meet others. Her ventures had allowed her the oppurtunity to do so many times now.

"I've never seen my dad at all. It is why I have to look for him now." If she knew just what he looked like and just where to find him then she wouldn't be requesting help from others. But as it was she had to ask any that she saw if they knew where to find her dad. "Mom is in Taceli. It's a long way from here. But don't worry, Maestery is taking good care of her. She talks about wolves and places that aren't there all the time. She doesn't seem to realize if anyone is around her or not." Selene didn't know that techincally her mom was delirious. Maestery had said that Kaelyn was sick and so that is exactly what Selene went on.


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