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He couldn't wait to get home and get the guitar tuned up so he could start tinkering around on it. One of the main reasons he had been so excited to be able to shift was so he could play instruments and learn more about music. Ever since that day Jazper had shown him the piano he had always had it in the back of his mind. Now he had found an instrument that was unique (he knew that it wasn't the only guitar in the lands and that there were probably others who knew how the play it, but no one in Crimson Dreams did). "Sure! I'd be happy to play you something!" Now he even had a prospective audience!

Haven nodded his head, giving Ehno a handsome smile. "No problem! I have all the faith in the world in you," he said with a wink. The Italian male was perfect uncle material, there was no doubt about that. "Great! Lemme just check and make sure I have everything I need." The boy turned back around to figure out what all he needed to take with him that went with the guitar. It didn't take long to spot the large, similarly shaped black case. He gently set the guitar inside the protective case and figured out the latches. Picking it up by the handle his eyes made one last sweep of the room. "Okay, I think that's all I need. Let's go!"

"A crib, huh? Never heard of one of those. What's it look like?" While Haven had spent a lot of his time inside the mansion, that's not where he had slept growing up. He had slept in the den outside with his mothers and siblings, so the idea of a baby bed was hard for him to picture. "I see, well we'll just look around until we find something then." He had no issues with spending the day looking through the city.


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