nobody tells you where to go

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!! sorry didn't know.

Let me show you the wonders of life

The women had irritated Whinifred. She let her face stay static and lacking in concern. Her arms crossed over her ample breasts and she shifted to one side. "It's not for me to tell you to leave, but I can see who's ass you are ready to kiss and who's you aren't" Fred said sourly her blue eyes narrowed and showing how pissed she was at the female. Ever since she had arrived she had been kind and happy to talk to her, but the women had been nothing but a bitch. So in this situation the french women wasn't afraid to do tit for tat.

Jeffersons enterance was perfect, his words not so much. Did he hate her or something? Narrowed blue eyes turned on him. She and he had never really found a middle ground, not that he was all that helpful. à la mauvaise, vous ne pouvez pas parler monsieur Jefferson. Parce que je veux vous dire à vous piquer un à mon côté, mais pas comme cela, elle diable ici" Her words were coming out from her irritation, not that he wasn't a prick in her side.

Sighing she pushed her braid over her shoulder again surprised it had found it's way there again. "Desole Monsieur. This female has come to seek a place in the pack, but from what I have deduced her manners to not carry over to members of the pack that aren't important in her opinion." Fred said lowly. Moving away from the black female Whinnie nodded to the leader in respect, before looking back at the other female. "Desole. I wished I could have been of more use." Her words were directed to her leader as she looked at him again, no respect or patience for the female within her.


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