you will find him here.
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This conversation really was going nowhere now. Another comment about the way he spoke. That was getting annoying. Onus couldn't remember the last time anyone had made a comment on his verbal patterns. Or perhaps he could. If he remembered correctly it had been some young punk that had stole something and was trying to be a wise ass. He had ended up with a few broken fingers, curled up and crying on the ground like the little boy that he was. He wondered where that boy was now. If that had taught him his lesson or if he had gone back to his life of crime. Perhaps he should have killed him to prevent thoughts like this.

Onus was more or less convinced that things had reached a dead end. The coyote was making less and less sense the more they talked. Maybe it was because he had nothing more to say. At least nothing else that was helpful to say. "Hrm. I see." Did he? Hell, he didn't know. Conri Church wasn't in this forest but was still in the area. That much he could gather from this somewhat senseless babble. "Anything else?" If not it was time for him to leave. Time to go back to the city and heal and think about what he needed to do when he was able to do his work again.


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