Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

She knew that Phoenix sometimes doubted himself, but she didn’t think that he had anything to worry about; she and Pilot were there, as well, to help make sure that the pack ran as it should. She hoped that he knew that he could depend on her like that; Dierdre knew that she might have given up that opportunity, that trust, when she’d left the pack to look for Deuce those months ago. She would try and earn it back, through hard work. She wasn’t planning on leaving Storm ever again, not for anything..

Dierdre didn’t think that Phoenix was a very frightening figure, as she’d grown up with him, but she supposed that, to a new wolf, he could look quite scary. So far things were going well. She was doing exactly as a newcomer should, showing Phoenix the right reaction to his arrival. Dierdre nudged her large family member in response, turning back to the matter at hand. ”She can fish and is good with her hands-a useful wolf, I think”

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