Rail Against the Heavens

OoC: That does make things convenient! =D
Words: 300+

The door creaked slowly inwards, daylight leaking into the shadowy interior. Coli flinched as she heard the unfamiliar voice, as young and panicky as it was. Blue eyes bright with fear, she froze in the doorway, the overcast light rendering her a silhouette to whomever was inside the dim building. When no one rushed to attack her, when no objects where thrown or obscenities shrieked, Coli took a hesitant step indoors, the dilapidated floor of the former bar creaking beneath her footpaws.

"I m-mean no harm," she stammered aloud, holding her hands before her as a show of good faith. "I'm j-just looking for a place to rest..." As her eyes adjusted to the gloom, she saw empty and broken bottles scattered about the floor, and a figure slumped over a cot in the corner. Was this building occupied? She hadn't meant to intrude in a dwelling - she would turn right around and leave, if that were the case! Still, there was such a pervading sense of depression, of anguish; surely no one in their right mind would choose to call this a 'home'.

The slim young woman knelt, touching one of the empty bottles with her delicate fingers. It felt blockier than the wine bottles she had 'liberated' recently; this must be a different sort of drink, if the container was any indicator. These had faded labels on them, yellowed at the edges and crumbly to the touch. Very old, then. Something manufactured in the human era... It still appeared to be some sort of alcohol, though. The scent was overpowering. She didn't approach the groggy stranger any further, but curiosity held her in place. If he, whoever 'he' was, felt unwanted, then she could certainly relate. It wasn't like anyone had missed having her around these past few days...


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