Rail Against the Heavens
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... ntable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Hehe, yeah. Poor sad pandas, looking like their rapist dads XD 300+

It was hard to see at first. All there was was a shadow in the doorway. The light burned his eyes. He hadn't left the bar since he had found it and decided it was his refuge. Jade eyes closed and he rubbed them. Bi-colored ears twitched as he heard whoever was there take a few steps further inside. He opened his eyes again, blinking rapidly to adjust and be able to see the other. From the voice it was clearly a female. Whoever she was, she sounded as nervous as he just had. Finally he was able to distinguish her and he saw her outstretched hands. His ears flicked back against his head. It was the first time he had been around a girl since the news had shattered his world. While he had the ability to be angry at the males that had invaded his space, he couldn't be angry at a female. Especially not one as timid as her.

"It's...it's okay. You can rest here." His gaze took on that far away look it got often times these days. "Though I don't know why you'd want to..." He was the son of a monster and this place was a shit hole. No place or company for a lady. To calm his nerves Haven brought the vodka bottle to his lips and took a long drink. He coughed a little afterwords, wiping off his mouth. As used to it as he was, sometimes the burn still made him cough. The boy watched her kneel and feel one of the empty bottles on the floor. Hopefully she saw where the broken ones were and wouldn't cut herself. When he got himself really intoxicated he tended to get incredibly angry and would smash the bottles having nothing else to do with his rage.

"Do you...want some?" he said, motioning to his bottle. If she did he would go get her something from behind the bar. It was only polite to offer. Even in his broken state of being he still remembered at least some of his manners.


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